Turkey Trapping @Aroona
Yesterday morning I caught and relocated this gorgeous fellow. He was very cooperative, turned up just after day break and promptly went straight into the trap.
Yesterday morning I caught and relocated this gorgeous fellow. He was very cooperative, turned up just after day break and promptly went straight into the trap.
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UQ st Lucia. This litte cutey was locked out of trap when mum was caught. Dont panic, i was able to re unite the pair and they were released healthy. Soooo cute.
Pics show some of the dodgy possum proofing I came across at the Jagera Hall in Cordelia st, West End. So far I’ve removed 4 possums. Possum proofing needs to be strong, installed correctly and of the correct materials. This effort was never going to stand the test of time. Beyond this there were also […]
The new Verminmobile is decked out and ready to service Caboolture, Brisbane and The Sunshine coast for all your pest control needs.
The only good rat is a dead rat. This stinky fella died in the wrong place though. The owners of this kitchen in Salisbury, Brisbane were not able to locate the source of the wretched stench. And no wonder. I had to pull the oven to pieces to get to it. Shocking experience for […]
Doing a possum proofing job in Chapel Hill, Brisbane and upon release this cute little fella decided that since he can’t live in the owners house anymore he may as well take up residence in the pizza oven. Dont worry he didn’t stay there long. Possum are not fond of being on the ground […]
Sometimes working on a roof can actually be enjoyable. Not often, but when the view is as beautiful as this one well one has to take a moment and enjoy. The residence of Shorncliffe do have quite a problem with the feathered rats of the sky. Some of the homes I saw on the esplanade […]